How to Extract Google Trends Data using Web Scraping?

October 3, 2023
Extract Google Trends Data using Web Scraping

Google, being the world's largest search engine with access to billions of daily searches, offers a unique window into up-to-the-minute news and trends.

Google Trends data is handled in a way that makes it anonymous, categorized, and grouped.

For instance, you can discover what's trending in specific regions or categories. This is particularly valuable for businesses seeking trending subjects for their content or research purposes.

Beyond immediate viral news, web scraping can be combined with Google Trends to conduct comprehensive market research for enterprises. It enables you to compare topics and observe growth variations, ultimately aiding in smarter business decision-making.

Google Trends scraping provides the treasure trove of information, offering insights into the popularity of search queries over time and across different regions.

But how to scrape Google Trends for various purposes? The answer lies in web scraping, a technique that allows us to extract, organize, and analyze Google Trends data efficiently.

What Is Google Trends Data?

Google Trends is a freely available tool courtesy of Google, empowering users to delve into the popularity of search terms, subjects, and keywords across Google's search engine.

It supplies information regarding:

  • the trend in search interest over time,
  • geographic locations,
  • associated queries, and
  • additional insights.

This dataset holds immense value for professionals such as marketers, content creators, SEO experts, and researchers, as it equips them with the ability to make informed choices and identify emerging trends.

Why Is Web Scraping Essential For Extracting Google Trends Data?


Google Trends presents a user-friendly web interface for visual data exploration. Yet, it lacks a direct method for downloading historical data or conducting thorough analyses.

This is where web scraping becomes indispensable. Web scraping entails automating the process of gathering data from websites, enabling a systematic collection of Google Trends data.

Some of the benefits of scraping Google Trends data using data scraping are:

Target Competitive Keywords

By employing Google Trends, you can ascertain the frequency of searches for your chosen keywords and discover the most trending associated subjects.

This tool empowers you to perform multiple concurrent searches, enabling a comparison of the search volumes for particular terms within specific timeframes and locations.

As an example, Google Trends can depict the search interest patterns for phrases such as "proxy server" and "VPN" in the United States throughout the previous year. While it doesn't provide precise traffic figures, it does offer insights into whether interest in these keywords is on the upswing or decline.

If you observe a decrease in the popularity of your desired keyword, you may consider redirecting your attention toward keywords that are experiencing an increase in interest.

Simplifying Niche Market Research

Web scraping Google Trends allows you to gather information on trending terms and subjects that are specific to a particular country, smaller region, or city.

Imagine you manage a local business and aim to discover the frequently used keywords linked to the gaming industry, aiming to improve your website content. Given that most of your clientele is based in the United States, you would select the USA as your designated location.

Google Trends will then present a chart showing the ups and downs in search interest for a term like "gaming headsets". Below the chart, you can also discover which smaller regions within the USA are showing interest in this keyword.

This capability helps businesses gain a deeper understanding of which search terms are gaining popularity in their specific areas, making it easier to connect with their target customers.

Analyze Market Trends using Google Shopping

Google Shopping is a platform where customers can explore products from different sellers. A whopping 85% of all product searches occur on Amazon and Google combined.

For retailers, this platform provides an excellent opportunity to assess their competitors. Scraping Google Trends, companies can obtain valuable information about the changing popularity of products on Google Shopping, taking into account both time and location factors.

For instance, when searching for “gaming headset” on Google Shopping, Google Trends scraping provides data on the interest levels in gaming headsets over the past year within the United States. As you explore further down the page, you’ll also uncover insights about the regions where the term “gaming headset” enjoys the highest levels of popularity.

Leverage Your Competitive Keywords on YouTube to Connect with Your Desired Audience

In September 2022, YouTube ranked as the second most frequently visited website globally, right after Google. Engaging in YouTube marketing enables businesses to educate potential customers about their offerings.

Crafting precisely tailored YouTube content empowers your intended audience in making informed purchase choices. By scraping Google Trends, you can gain insights into the most trending subjects within your industry and discover the specific searches your target audience is conducting.

Track Your Competitors’ Popularity

Identify the leading brands in your field. Take, for example, the rivalry between Netflix, HBO, and Hulu.

Pinpoint the specific regions of interest. Let's focus on the United States to observe how much people are searching for the terms we've chosen in that area.

Then, select a timeframe. In this case, we want to assess the search interest over the past five years. From this analysis, it becomes evident that HBO Max and Hulu have maintained a similar level of performance post-2020. Netflix, on the other hand, exhibits distinct upward trends during certain periods, while remaining relatively stable since 2021.

How To Scrape Google Trends Data Using Web Scraping?

Selecting the Keywords:

First, you decide what are your selected keywords. It could be about your business, research, or anything you are interested in. Google Trends lets you enter up to five of these in one search.

Accessing Google Trends:

To scrape data from Google Trends, you use a computer language like Python. Special tools like BeautifulSoup and Selenium help with this.

Sending Requests:

Once you're on the website, you send messages (like requests) to the Google Trends computer. It's like pretending to be a user. You can tell it which keywords, time frame, and other things you want to know.

Parsing Data:

When the Google Trends computer answers you, you need to sort through the web page's code (like a computer's recipe) to find the information you want. This includes stuff like how popular a search term is over time, related questions, and where people are searching from.

Organizing and Storing Data:

You can make the information look neat by putting it in files like CSV or JSON. This makes it easier to study later. Programs like Pandas in Python help with this.

Automating Updates:

To always have the latest info, you can set up programs that keep checking Google Trends and bringing you new data. This way, you stay in the loop about what's trending.

Is It Legal To Scrape Google Trends Data?

It's generally legal to collect data that's publicly accessible on the internet. But there are rules like GDPR and CCPA that say you can't collect people's info. Scraping Google Trends data that's out in the open is usually fine, as long as you don't damage the website or use the data for harmful things.


Web scraping proves to be a potent method for extracting Google Trends data, presenting an array of advantages for businesses, researchers, and analysts. Through google trends scraping, both individuals and organizations can access invaluable insights into search trends.

This enables them to base their decisions on data and maintain a competitive edge in today's dynamic digital landscape. As the digital realm continues to evolve, web scraping retains its status as a vital technique for tapping into the concealed wealth of online data scraping, including Google Trends.

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